Paramjot Singh


Simulation Engineer and Data Analyst with expertise in SQL, Python, R and data visualization. Passion to explore complex datasets. Certified in Python, programming languages, mathematics for machine learning, and software development in R.

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Key Data Projects

Data Science and ML

Improving drug discovery through accurate prediction of chemical compound solubility (Python)

Chemical solubility data was cleaned utilizing Python libraries including Pandas, and NumPy to calculate correlations and using Matplotlib and Seaborn to visualize results. Built and optimized deep learning model to predict solubility (an important step in drug discovery process) of a compound.

View code on Colab (EDA)

View code on Colab (ML)

US Baseball Teams Analysis (Python)

In this project, I explored baseball data from two prominent US leagues - American League (AL) and National League (NL) with a goal to discover interesting relationship (if any) of ability of a team to win and factors such as runs scored.

View code on Colab

Quizme - a quizzing tool to learn anything using spaced repetition (R)

A CLI-based quizzing app in R by implementing a spaced-repetition algorithm enabling the user to practice learning material efficiently.

View code on GitHub

Word prediction app with small memory footprint (R)

In this project, I created a word-prediction app in R through analyzing and cleaning about 8 million sentences (blogs, tweets and posts) and employing NLP techniques to create N-grams based data dictionary (< 10 MB total size) with a good accuracy targeting mobile applications.

View Demo on ShinyApps

View EDA on RPubs

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Data Visualization

R Data Visualizer: Explore built-in R datasets quickly (R)

Created an interactive dashboard using Shiny to visualize built-in R datasets quickly. One can choose datasets and variables to plot. The table is also interactive and allows you to change numbers of rows displayed and filter rows based on search criteria.

View demo on ShinyApps

US Wind Energy Production in 2016 (R)

Back in 2017, while listening to NPR I learned that Texas is at the top when it comes to wind power production among all US states. While it is a suprising fact given that Texas is a conservative state and the article is an interesting read in itself, this led me to pull some data from US Department of Energy and create the map I have presented here.

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Key Computer Science Projects


Space Invaders - classic game built using programming design principles (Racket)

A classic game of space invaders built using programming design principles. This included designing functions and data using Racket functional. Arrow keys are used to move the tank sideways while space key is used to shoot the aliens.

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Pong - the classic game (Python)

Game of pong built using Tkinter (Python GUI library). If the ball hits the gutter instead of paddle, the opponent scores a point. If the player is successful at blocking the ball with paddle, the ball bounces off the paddle towards the opponent at a slightly higher speed. Key pairs (f, d) and (j, k) are used to move both paddles to make contact with the ball.

View code on GitHub

Web Development

Mobile Weather App (React-Native and TailWind)

A weather app built using React Native and Tailwind CSS with a simple interface and fun to use.

View demo on YouTube

Khoji - A Web App to track and pursue your passions (Django)

A web app built using Django (Python web framework) allowing you to track and pursue your passions. Also allow collaborating with your friends and family.

View demo on YouTube